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Oussama Picture


Hello World! I'm Oussama,

Your Full-Stack developer.

Highly motivated developer, passionate about self-education, with extensive experience in designing, developing, and maintaining web and mobile apps.

I'm Full Stack! Here's mine

JavaScript LogoTypescript LogoTailwind LogoRust Logo

Programming Languages

I have learned multiple programming languages in the past, such as Java and Python, but since my work always depends on JavaScript, TypeScript, and Tailwind, they quickly become my languages of choice when thinking about any new project. I write clean and optimized code with them, and I'm familiar with most of their concepts like event loops, functional programming, and more. However, I'm also trying to learn Rust.

Nextjs LogoReact LogoExpo LogoNode Logo

JavaScript Frameworks

With React's component structure, React Native with Expo mobile development support, Node.js server capabilities, and Next.js client-side and server-side rendering, I've found my go-to tools for projects. These frameworks have sharpened my skills in state management, component lifecycles, and async programming. I'm committed to staying up-to-date with JavaScript advancements, always expanding my expertise.

Electron LogoTauri Logo

Desktop Application Frameworks

In my journey with desktop frameworks, I've explored both Electron and Tauri. While both have their merits, I've found Tauri to be my preferred option. Its unique blend of Rust and JavaScript integration strikes a perfect balance, offering the robustness of Rust alongside the familiarity of JavaScript. Tauri's lightweight nature and efficient performance make it a standout choice for my desktop projects, providing the flexibility and power I need to bring my ideas to life.

Supabase LogoFirebase Logo

Backend & User Management

In my exploration of backend solutions and user management, I've tested both Supabase and Firebase. Yet, Supabase wins my preference with its seamless PostgreSQL integration and open-source flexibility. With Supabase, I harness PostgreSQL's power and the cloud's convenience, with the option for self-hosting. It's the perfect fit for managing users and backend operations in my projects.

MongoDB LogoMysql LogoPostgresql Logo

Databases (SQL/NoSQL)

I've explored MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. Among them, PostgreSQL shines, especially because of its seamless integration with Supabase, my preferred backend platform. While MongoDB is flexible and MySQL is user-friendly, PostgreSQL's compatibility with Supabase elevates it as my top pick. Its robustness and SQL compliance perfectly complement Supabase's capabilities, making it integral to my database setup.

Ubuntu LogoDocker LogoNginx LogoNeovim LogoCi Logo

System Administration

I've honed my skills on Ubuntu, utilizing Docker for efficient containerization and Nginx for optimal web server performance and security. Neovim serves as my go-to code editor, enabling streamlined development workflows. I'm adept at implementing CI/CD pipelines, ensuring smooth software delivery.

Linux LogoMacOs LogoWindows Logo

Operating Systems

After trying Windows and Linux for years, I've settled on macOS for coding, especially for iOS and macOS development. Its seamless integration with tools and Unix-based architecture make it stand out. Apple's hardware enhances the experience. Plus, distributing apps through the App Store is a breeze. Despite some limitations, macOS's combo of tools, Unix base, and hardware integration is perfect for my needs.

Visual LogoPostman LogoAndroid_Studio LogoXcode Logo

IDEs and Development Tools

I use Android Studio and Xcode for React Native/Expo mobile development. But, I rely on Visual Studio Code (VSCode) as my preferred code editor, leveraging its flexibility and extensive plugin ecosystem for efficient coding and debugging. Postman serves as my indispensable tool for API development and testing, ensuring seamless integration and reliable performance across projects.

DigitalOcean LogoAmazon LogoGoogle LogoOracle Logo

Cloud Computing

I've gained extensive experience with leading cloud infrastructures including DigitalOcean, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Oracle Cloud. My expertise spans deploying and managing applications on these platforms, optimizing scalability, reliability, and performance. I efficiently utilize their services for provisioning, networking, and storage to meet project needs. This proficiency ensures seamless integration and efficient resource utilization, contributing to successful cloud-based solutions.

Shopify LogoWordpress LogoWooCommerce Logo

Content Managment Systems (CMS)

I'm skilled in Shopify, Wordpress, and WooCommerce CMS platforms. With Shopify, I craft customizable e-commerce solutions, while Wordpress enables me to build dynamic websites using its versatile plugins. Integrating WooCommerce into Wordpress sites, I ensure seamless online transactions and enhanced user experiences.

Paypal LogoStripe LogoCib Logo

Payment Module Integration

I specialize in integrating payment modules seamlessly into web applications. Leveraging my expertise, I've successfully integrated renowned payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and CIB/E-Dahabbia, ensuring secure and convenient transactions for users.

AgileScrum LogoJira_Logo LogoClickUp Logo

Project Management

In project management, I adeptly navigate both Agile methodologies like Scrum and traditional approaches such as Waterfall. With tools like Jira and ClickUp, I ensure seamless coordination and efficient progress tracking across projects, regardless of the chosen methodology. Whether it's the iterative development cycles of Agile or the sequential phases of Waterfall, my expertise in project management facilitates successful outcomes and client satisfaction.


Empowering your digital presence with an array of services.


Years Experience


Skills Match


Successful Projects

Linux System Administration

Expertise in managing Linux systems for optimal performance and security.

Cloud Management

Seamless handling of cloud infrastructure to scale and optimize operations efficiently.

E-commerce Development

Crafting tailored solutions for online stores to enhance user experience and boost sales.

CMS Customization

Tailoring WordPress, Shopify, or WooCommerce platforms to fit unique business requirements.

Payment Integration

Seamlessly integrating Stripe, PayPal, CIB, or E-dahabbia for secure transactions.

CI/CD Services

Implementing automated pipelines for continuous integration and deployment, ensuring smooth software delivery.

IT Project Consulting

Strategic guidance and management to navigate IT projects effectively.

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Get in Touch

I'll respond soon and am eager to connect with you!

Whether you have questions, feedback, or just want to say hello, I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out about projects, opportunities, or anything else you'd like to discuss.

[email protected]




